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How RECOMIA Research works
Simple workflows makes it easy to de-identify patients, upload files, design workflows, and create high quality training data together.
Patient de-identification
Upload files to RECOMIA
Annotate and collaborate
Patient de-identification
The importance of compliant patient de-identification systems cannot be overstated. The de-identification process in RECOMIA happens automatically and all data is de-identified locally by your web browser before it is uploaded via secure communication to the RECOMIA servers.
Patient de-identification policy
Upload files to RECOMIA
When you trust us with your data, we go to great lengths to ensure the highest security. We have achieved a high overall security rating from Qualys, Inc. SSL Labs - one of the leading providers of integrated cloud infrastructure security. This means that the risk of your data being compromised is very low.
Security assessment
Design workflow
Collaborate efficiently with RECOMIA research. Assign roles and responsibility, delegate access and schedule your tasks, to make sure data and information is available to your research group when their work is required. This way you can determine who and when people should have access to your data.
Annotate and collaborate
Our annotation tools works in both 2D and 3D volumes and accross all image modalities, and makes it simple to draw regions of interest. Advanced visualisation tools, and data analytics tools makes your annotations stand out and provides all the necessary information for your to evaluate your work.
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