The Research Consortium for Medical Image Analysis (RECOMIA) is a not for profit organization with the objective of promoting research in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and medical imaging.
RECOMIA has several different AI tools available for research purposes. Learn more.
An article presenting the RECOMIA platform can be found here.
EU-funded PREMIO COLLAB project
​​RECOMIA is a proud partner in the EU-funded PREMIO COLLAB project (Personalized Response Monitoring in Oncology: Co-creating Clinical Trials in Advanced Breast Cancer), coordinated by Region Syddanmark, Denmark.
PREMIO COLLAB aims to extend overall survival and enhance the quality of life for patients with metastatic breast cancer by advancing precision in response monitoring and treatment management.
As part of this collaboration, RECOMIA is leading the "Digital PERCIST" Work Package. This initiative focuses on developing a digital workflow to refine the PERCIST (PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors) evaluation, assisting healthcare professionals in more accurately assessing FDG-PET/CT scans to improve patient care.