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Try our AI tools for analysis of PET/CT and CT studies

We invite researchers to apply and evaluate our AI tools on their own PET/CT or CT studies. We are also happy to collaborate and develop customized AI tools for other tasks than those presented below.

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This video shows how to upload and apply AI tools to your CT or PET/CT studies.

NOTE: The AI tools are available for research purposes only, not for clinical use.

Body Composition CT
Our AI tool “Body Composition version 1.1” outputs 3D-segmentations of muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue in CT studies. The too is trained on 127 CT studies with manual annotations and can be applied to CT covering either thorax, abdomen, or torso. The method has been described in a paper by Borrelli and in a recent paper Ying showed that muscle volume measured with this AI tool was an independent biomarker for survival in patients who have undergone radical cystectomy.

Body Composition.png

Lung Cancer
Our AI tool “Lung Cancer FDG-PET/CT v1.2” detects lung tumors, thoracic lymph nodes, and bone metastases in FDG-PET/CT studies. Note that lymph nodes outside thorax are not detected in this version. The AI tool includes an organ segmentation module and is trained on 320 FDG-PET/CT studies with manual annotations from patients with suspected lung cancer. An earlier version of this tool was presented in a paper by Borrelli.


Tumour lesion glycolysis (TLG) and metabolic tumour volume (MTV) have shown to be associated with progression-free and overall survival in Hodgkin ́s lymphoma patients. An automated and objective quantification of TLG and MTV can be obtained using our AI tool “Lymphoma FDG-PET/CT version 2.0”. 

Lymph nodes with increased FDG uptake, focal uptake in spleen, bone marrow and other extranodal sites are detected and segmented. In addition diffuse increased uptake in the spleen, in the absence of reactive changes in bone marrow, greater than the liver uptake (spleen/liver ratio >1.5 and bone marrow/liver ratio <1.0) is also segmented. An earlier version of the tool was presented by Sadik



Prostate Cancer
Our AI tool “Prostate Cancer PSMA-PET/CT v1.1” detects prostate tumor, lymph nodes, and bone metastases. The AI tool includes organ segmentation and is in addition trained on 586 PET/CT studies with manual lymph node segmentations from patients with prostate cancer. An earlier version of the AI tool was presented in a paper by Edenbrandt. The new AI tool ”Pelvic Lymph mets PSMA version 1.0” is a version with improved detection of pelvic lymph nodes. 


Our AI tool “Heart and Aortic Wall v2.4” can be used to quantify F-sodium fluoride (NaF) activity in the heart and aortic wall as signs of microcalcifications. The AI tool segments the aortic arch, the abdominal, and the thoracic parts of the aorta as well as the heart in the CT images. The spine is also segmented in CT allowing high PET activity originating from the spine to be excluded from the aortic wall segmentations. The carotid arteries will be added to a coming version of the tool. The approach to use this type of tool for quantification of early signs of atherosclerosis has recently been described by Saboury.

Aortic Wall v2.4.png

Organ Activity in PET/CT
Our AI tool “Organ Segmentation CT v3.6” segments 57 different organs in CT. The tool is trained on 445 CT studies with manual annotations and can be used to quantify PET tracer uptake in different organs when applied to PET/CT studies. An early version of the tool was described in a paper by Trägårdh.

Organ Activity.png
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